UFO's What if.!!!
UFO, USO, UAP and the Paranormal.
All of these things are real. By definition they are observed events that have no known explanation. Just because we're unable to find an explanation does not mean that they do not exist, as again, by definition they were observed, noted and a record made of the event, hence why we are able to read about them. These are not one off events because similar events have been observed all over the planet and documented. Moreover, similar events are described in ancient documents.Because these events are outside of our normal experience and current knowledge, we assume that they are not of our world; that is, not terrestrial and therefore must be extra-terrestrial. Well, not necessarily so. Part of the reason for this is the objects seem to come from the sky, suggesting the heavens, suggesting extra-terrestrial. Yet, our current civilization uses sky travel as a fast and convenient way to move from one location to another. Nothing exclusively extra-terrestrial about that. So any observations over, say 150 years ago, would not be a part of this current experience, flight. Yet, it is interesting to note that there are many ancient texts describing visitors from the sky. A perplexing conundrum.
One of the problems I have with some people within the research community is an attitude that if it cannot be explained by conventional science then it is not real. Now that is just nonsense. By definition convention is that which is known, tried and tested. Well, these events are outside of convention and therefore require a non conventional approach and thinking in order to find a solution. Don't just think outside the box, think outside the sphere. OR, perhaps we need to look inside the sphere.
In recent times, various governments and their military are releasing more information regarding these phenomena, with the aim to gather more information about the same or similar events. There is much concern that these events may pose a security threat to these nations and their governments. Their primary concerns are that, due to the increasing number of observations of significant events which have been well recorded and documented by highly reliable witnesses, these objects appear to be under intelligent control and are able to outperform any of our known technology of today by an astonishing degree. None of these governments can offer any explanation. It definitely looks like they are other worldly in origin.
Since the military consider these objects to be under intelligent control and able to perform well outside our highest engineering standards and human performance capabilities, we must consider the fact that we could well be sharing the planet with a highly advance civilization.
What if! Maybe?
Let's look at some possibilities.
Last Glacial Maximum- a time, around 20,000 years ago, when much of the Earth was covered in ice. The average global temperature may have been as much as 10 degrees Celsius colder than that of today.
The Younger Dryas is one of the most well-known examples of abrupt change. About 14,500 years ago, Earth's climate began to shift from a cold glacial world to a warmer interglacial state. Partway through this transition, temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere suddenly returned to near-glacial conditions, just as our home planet was recovering from one.
The Younger Dryas impact hypothesis (YDIH) or Clovis comet hypothesis is a speculative and controversial attempt to explain the onset of the Younger Dryas (YD) cooling at the end of the Last Glacial Period, around 12,900 years ago.
The hypothesis ( Dryas theory) proposes that the airburst or impact of a comet ~12,850 years ago caused the ensuing ~1200-year-long Younger Dryas (YD) cool period and contributed to the extinction of the Pleistocene mega fauna in the Western Hemisphere and the disappearance of the Clovis Paleo-Indian culture.
Regardless of the exact cause the fact remains that there was an extended and extreme cold period.
Thermally fractionated nitrogen and argon isotope data from Greenland ice core GISP2 indicate that its summit was around 15 °C (27 °F) colder during the Younger Dryas than today.
So around 13,000 years ago, how did humans survive the Younger Dryas?
The warmer and wetter climate in the Southern Hemisphere also helped human migration into South America. At the same time the Younger Dryas in the Northern Hemisphere forced populations either to return to a nomadic lifestyle or seek refuge in a few hospitable areas.
What would constitute an hospitable area?
Closer to the equator, coastal areas where large bodies of water can act as a heat sink, or, underground where the temperature is more stable compared to the surface.
It is highly probable that some of the ancient civilizations decided to retreat into caves and create an entirely subterranean civilization without the destabilizing effects of the surface climate.
Archaeologists are locating ever more signs of subterranean civilizations and cultures.
Oddly, many of these subterranean civilizations have a connection with some surface cultures, notably around South America, Asia and the Mediterranean where structures have been found and have features and engineering standards of precision, that are difficult to explain with today's standards and technology.
Who were, or perhaps even are these people.
Subterranean living generally would be a more stable environment, where the focus could be more about infrastructure and resources than worrying about the effects of seasonal changes on food and shelter during this extended ice age period.
A subterranean civilization would have more time available to make advances in their standards and technologies. Just consider what we surface dwellers accomplished in the last 200 years, from animal and human transport to mechanical forms of transport, to fly through the air and travel to the moon. Seems incredible, but imagine that same level of advancement and focus for around the 13,000 years described before. The mind boggles at the possibilities. Just as we have found ways to travel explore the oceans to find new resources, it is quite plausible that the subterraneans found ways to do the same, including a means to fly or travel in some sort of device. If a subterranean civilization used such a device, and we happened to observe it, and could not understand it, we might call it a UFO, UAP, etc.. as it is beyond our comprehension.
Thus, just because an unexplained object or phenomena comes from the sky, it is not necessarily extra-terrestrial.
Could it be? Perhaps!
With ever increasing significant evidence suggesting visitations of advanced civilizations from the sky, is it any wonder that many ancient earth-bound civilizations considered these visitations to be from the Gods.
Perhaps, these visitations were in fact an advanced subterranean civilization visiting whilst exploring the planet surface, just as did the early mariners on their exploits.
However, there is another twist to the conundrum. Past ancient cultures and even today, have in legend and/or pictorial display of visitors from a specific point of origin in the sky from whence they came. (a sky map - although ancient - extremely accurate). Where did this knowledge come from, how did it get here?
Perhaps some visitors were extra-terrestrial after all, but equally this could also support the concept of an advanced subterranean civilization.
As NASA and other space agencies explore our solar system and beyond, it is becoming more apparent that the possibility of extra-terrestrial life is highly probable and that in many instances that life is likely to be below the surface of the body being observed and investigated. Once again, it has been shown that below the surface is more congenial to supporting life.
For now, it seems to me, that there is a high probability that we terrestrial beings are sharing our planet with a highly advanced subterranean civilization.
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Author:: Grant Norris. [GRN2024.4]