Aus UFO  
The Official Web site for the preservation of the life's works of Colin Norris,
renowned world wide for his investigations into the UFO phenomenom for over 50 years.
Australian International UFO Flying Saucer Research Inc.   (Reg: 1978 )
'Investigate, Correlate, Tabulate and Disseminate'


the ozfiles - Mr UFO

 Colin Norris Adelaide UFO investigator

Colin Norris 1920 - 2009 Well known Australian UFO Investigator from Adelaide
"My Identified Life"

 Colin Norris UFO Excerpt from a short doco I made about Australia's famed UFO investigator Colin Norris. As an member of the airforce in WW2 Colin was 'buzzed' by a mysterious ball of light. He subsequently dedicated his life to the investigation of the subject. Over 50 years he has documented 1000's of sightings and experiences. He was a ...







  Australian UFO Investigator - Colin Norris

Aus UFO is the Official Web site dedicated to the preservation of the life's works of Colin Norris, UFOlogist, ecologist, humanitarian.

Colin is renown world wide for his investigations into the UFO phenomenom for over 50 years, and his work with the
Australian International UFO Flying Saucer Research Inc.   (Reg: 1978 )

Colin's approach was to 'Investigate, Correlate, Tabulate and Disseminate', just present the facts and let each of us draw our own conclusions.
Of course, Colin had his own ideas and convictions on the subject which were often ridiculed, especially in the early days, but over time they gained acceptance.

Allen Tiller: on-Colin_Norris
