Aus UFO  
The Official Web site for the preservation of the life's works of Colin Norris,
renowned world wide for his investigations into the UFO phenomenom for over 50 years.
Australian International UFO Flying Saucer Research Inc.   (Reg: 1978 )
'Investigate, Correlate, Tabulate and Disseminate'
Home What We Do History Sightings Contacts What if.!

the ozfiles - Mr UFO

 Colin Norris Adelaide UFO investigator

Colin Norris 1920 - 2009 Well known Australian UFO Investigator from Adelaide
"My Identified Life"

 Colin Norris UFO Excerpt from a short doco I made about Australia's famed UFO investigator Colin Norris. As an member of the airforce in WW2 Colin was 'buzzed' by a mysterious ball of light. He subsequently dedicated his life to the investigation of the subject. Over 50 years he has documented 1000's of sightings and experiences. He was a ...






What We Do.

Colin Norris, the founder of "Australian International UFO Flying Saucer Research Inc.", (AIUFOFSR), even in his eighties, although he had retired from active investigation of these phenomena, he was still recording sightings as they came to hand.

Unfortunately, Colin passed away in July 2009, leaving behind his life's work, a comprehensive study of UFO's.

'Aus UFO info' was commissioned to work with the "Australian International UFO Flying Saucer Research Inc." to record and correlate electronically, more than 50 years of UFO research.

Our aim is to take Colin's collection consisting of thousands of official reports, printed articles from all over the world, hundreds of hours of film, tape and various other media that has been used, and convert it to electronic media.

Once converted, it will be made available to the public that information which is NOT Confidential, or classified as secure, or secret, or restricted or marked "Not For Publication".

As one can imagine this is a mammoth task, and we are seeking financial assistance from the general public to help offset the cost of this work, by offering an annual subscription/membership to supporters of the on-going project at a fee of just $29 (AUD).

You can contribute to this marvellous project to preserve 50 years of investigation into one of the worlds most fascinating and yet, unexplained, phenomena.

We welcome all sponsors, patrons, benefactors, gifts, donations that will assist us to preserve this unique and valuable collection of information.


Allen Tiller: on-Colin_Norris


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